Thursday, June 10, 2021

Homemade Play Dough

Here's our favorite Play-Dough recipe. Not edible (although also not toxic if accidentally ingested), but since we use it so often I'm going to add it to my blog. I usually double the recipe so there's enough to share. From here.

1 C flour
1 C water
1/4 C salt
1 TB oil
2 tsp cream of tartar
Optional: food coloring or a kool-aid packet if you want it to add color and smell, sparkles)

Combine all the ingredients in a medium sauce pan. Stir the ingredients together as you heat them up on medium-high heat. Keep stirring (don't stop!) until the play dough is formed and it's too hard to stir any more. It's okay if any coloring isn't all the way mixed in yet.

Dump the dough out onto a surface where you can knead it until it feels like play dough consistency (it will be hot so you may need to let it cool for a short minute before kneading). This recipe makes perfect play dough every time, your kids will love it!

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